Federal Halfway Houses

At the end of March, Attorney General Eric Holder announced some new policies for federal halfway houses.  Federal halfway houses are used by tens of thousands of prisoners to ease the transition from prison back into society.  Some of the changes Holder announced include:

  • Permitting cell phone use to inmates
  • Providing funds for transportation
  • Expanding access to electronic monitoring equipment
  • Implementing treatment/behavioral programming
  • Providing more substance abuse and mental health treatment

AG Holder is implementing the above changes to help inmates find jobs while they are in the transition between prison and society.  Cell phone use and transportation funds will give the inmates a better opportunity to search for and interview for jobs.
The electronic monitoring will allow home confinement, which will help inmates reestablish ties with their friends and family.
For more information, click here to see AG Holder’s announcement of these changes. Contact Hills Law Office for information on how this change could affect you and your family.


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